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Image of text: "Who We Are"
Image of text: Keara Beck Ortt

I grew up in the beautiful state of Kentucky. Practically born on stage, I started performing when I was only 18 months old and have been involved in performance and theater ever since. I was first exposed to American Sign Language through interactions with students from the Kentucky School for the Deaf. After graduating from Asbury University with a degree in Media Communications Production and Performance, I entered and graduated from the Interpreter Training Program at Eastern Kentucky University. I received my National Certification and I've been interpreting full time for over 15 years. I'm currently pursuing a Master's of Arts in Disability Studies from the City University of New York, School of Professional Studies.

Image of two women standing side by side with hands forming the ASL sign for I love you. Woman on right is white, with classes, dark hair pulled back wearing a black shirt and black jacket. Woman on left is biracial, with shoulder length blonde curly hair wearing a black top with mesh sleeves with black polka dots.
image of text: Angelique Pinkston

I knew I wanted to become a Sign Language Interpreter since I was 16 when I took my first ASL class at Lakota West High School. During my junior year I participated in the school's Annual ASL Concert and quickly realized my love for sign language and performing could be combined. I went on to attend Eastern Kentucky University as a student in the Interpreter Training Program where I obtained a Bachelor of Science degree. In 2010 I passed my National Interpreter Certification through the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. I have had the privilege to me involved with some truly amazing productions including The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Grease and Hamilton. After years of planning with my theater partner Keara, we brought our passion project to life and founded GhostLight.

Image of GhostLight Logo: White hand drawn lightbulb with the ASL sign for I love you as the filament with a soft yellow glow and the words GhostLight Artistic Interpreting
Image of text: About Us

Ghostlight: The light left burning granting access to an otherwise  completely dark stage.


Whether you're on-stage, working backstage, or sitting in the audience, there is nothing like experiencing a live performance. The crowd. The energy. The stage. The lights. The art. As lifelong performers, we at GhostLight know first hand the pure magic of live theater and performance. Collectively we bring over 25 years of interpreting  experience as well as  our individual backgrounds in acting, dance and performance to the services we provide. By incorporating specific interpreting techniques, through the beauty of American Sign Language, a language taught and entrusted to us by the Deaf Community in which we serve, we seek to create inclusive audition, rehearsal and performance spaces for all actors, performers, crew and audience members.


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